Winterlude 2025
Snow sculpture
Léo would have been 100 in 2025.
The City of Gatineau has decided to honour Léo within the Winterlude
2025 festifities by dedicating a snow sculpture to his memory.
The sculptor, Véronique Gagné, from the team lead by Martin Ernst,
created this sculpture keeping in mind the nickname he was given, Léo
The Gazelle.
Here is the video of the making of the sculpture by
Véronique and photos of our meeting with the team.
More photos from visitors to the site are posted on this
page :
On the left, the sculptor, Véronique Gagné,
in the middle, Denys Gravelle and on the right, his wife, Lise Chénier.
Our thanks to Véronique (VeroG-art
multi (,
also thank you Martin (
and a special thanks goes to Benoit Brière from the City of Gatineau for
this great honor.
The sculpture is setup in a cave along side the Snowflake Kingdom Slide,
in Jacques-Cartier Park.
Visit the site and send us your pictures!
What an honor for us to be part of this!